Guest Poem by Belinda Cooke

Belinda Cooke was born in Reading in 1957 and took a degree in English/Russian at Liverpool University. She has published one collection of poetry, Resting Place (Flarestack 2007), and a collection of translations, Paths of the Beggar Woman: the Selected Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva (Worple Press 2008). Boris Poplavsky’s Flags, produced in collaboration with Richard McKane, was published by Shearsman Press (2009); they later collaborated on Boris Pasternak’s Zhivago Poems and Other Later Poems.

Love Songs

When we banter on the phone,
there’s much left to uncover,
and how many love songs
have I left in me yet?

When you humour me,
I’m better than myself,
how many love songs
are hovering in the air?

When we pull it together
and get lost in our rooms,
how many love songs
are still waiting to be written?

When I spin in my head
and live in the movies,
the lover at the end of the line
asking me ‘ever so humbly…’

how many love songs
how many love songs.